30 non-food items that dissapear fast during a crisis

In the event of an emergency disaster, certain non-food items tend to disappear quickly due to their high demand and essential nature. Some of these include:

  1. Generators

  2. First Aid Kits: These kits become scarce as people prepare for potential medical emergencies.

  3. Flashlights and Batteries: With power outages common during disasters, flashlights are crucial for providing light and visibility.

  4. Water Filtration Systems: Clean drinking water is a priority, making water filters and purification tablets highly sought after.

  5. Matches and Lighters: These items are important for starting fires for warmth, cooking, or light.

  6. Tarps and Plastic Sheeting: Useful for temporary shelter and protection from the elements, these items see significant demand.

  7. Portable Phone Chargers: Keeping communication lines open is essential. Portable chargers help maintain device functionality when power sources are unavailable.

  8. Multi-tools and Survival Gear: Items like multi-tools, knives, and other survival tools are crucial for various tasks during a crisis.

  9. Batteries for Electronic Devices: With increased usage of flashlights, radios, and other electronic devices, batteries quickly run out.

  10. Camping Gear: Tents, sleeping bags, and folding chairs become popular as individuals seek makeshift accommodations.

  11. Propane

  12. Kerosene

  13. Gas

  14. Firewood

  15. Portable stoves

  16. Candles

  17. Hand tools

  18. Duct tape

  19. Fire starters

  20. Emergency radios

  21. Walkie talkies

  22. Oil lamps

  23. Blankets

  24. Soap

  25. Sewing kit

  26. Bleach

  27. Toilet paper

  28. Hand sanitziers

  29. Diapers

  30. Femine pads

Planning ahead for these items can help ensure better preparedness in the face of emergencies.


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