40 things you can compost
Fruit and vegetable scraps
Egg shells (crushed)
Coffee grounds
Coffee filters
Tea bags (Make sure they are made of natural materials like hemp or cotton, and not rayon or other synthetics. If in doubt, just open it and compost the tea leaves alone.)
Loose leaf tea
Used paper napkins and paper towels
Unwaxed cardboard pizza boxes (ripped or cut into small pieces)
Paper bags (shredded)
Cooked pasta
Cooked rice
Crumbs from the bottom of snack food packaging
Paper towel rolls (shredded)
Cardboard boxes from cereal, pasta, etc. (Remove any plastic windows and shred)
Used paper plates (as long as they don’t have a waxy coating)
Unpopped, burnt popcorn kernels
Old herbs and spices
Bamboo skewers (break them into pieces)
Paper cupcake or muffin cups
100% cotton cotton balls
Cotton swabs made from 100% cotton and cardboard (not plastic) sticks
Pine needles
Potato peelings
House plant trimmings
Spanish moss
Fish parts
Burnt toast
Corn husks
Dead headed flowers
Chopped up small branches and twigs
Saw dust from untreated wood
Wood chips
Pine cones
Left over bedding from chickens
Sea weed and Kelp
Mail (non glossy)
Wood ashes