How to make egg coffee


Egg Coffee is rich, lush, very smooth & mellow and devoid of bitterness. 


  • 1 Egg (rinse it off well as you will be using the shell)

  • 1 cup ground regular coffee (not instant)

  • 1 cup cold water divided

  • 6 cups of boiling water


  1. Bring the 6 cups of water to a boil.

  2. Wash the egg. Break the egg into a small bowl, reserving the shell.

  3. Beat the egg slightly.

  4. Add 1/2 cup cold water.

  5. Add the 1 cup coffee and the crushed eggshell. Mix thoroughly until you achieve a cake-like batter consistency.

  6. Gradually pour the egg coffee mixture into the boiling water while stirring. It will begin to clump together.

  7. Lower the heat and let it boil for about 3 minutes.

  8. Remove from heat and add the remaining 1/2 cup of cold water. The cold water, being heavier than hot, will clear the coffee, causing the coffee grounds to sink to the bottom.

  9. After the coffee has settled for about 3-4 minutes, serve through a strainer.

Note: The longer it simmers, the stronger it become.

The egg helps eliminate the bitterness. One of the great features of egg coffee is that you can bottle it, place in the fridge and reheat it later. It doesn't get bitter over time.


Egg substitues


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